A little bit about me

Penny van der Sluys - Pleasure Activist, Feminine Empowerment Coach, Host of Podcast TURNED ON

I’m a

pleasure activist




feminine wisdom warrior

nature lover

conscious consumer


generator & recovering people-pleaser.

I’ve stripped back layers of shame and embarrassment, found my voice, and taken steps to live an embodied life.

Wild highlights include:

  • A Pussy Awakening Course

  • A bookclub intensive with a focus on ‘Pussy: A Reclamation’ by Regina Thomashauer as part of A Bookclub with a Difference

  • Creating, producing, and hosting my own podcast, ‘TURNED ON: Wild, free and Sexy in your midlife’ (previously called ‘Shine Love & Light On’

  • An ‘Orgasmic Flow’ embodiment course and a Sacred Sensual Sex workshop.

Perhaps we share a love for:

Finding treasure in ops shops, fetes, and markets and having swap parties

Binge-watching a good tv series.

Devouring empowering, soulful, life-affirming, spiritually awakening books, podcasts, webinars, blogs, and programs. 

Getting oily - and not the haven’t-washed-your-hair kinda way, but the using Essential oils for everything kinda way!

Healthy, tasty, freshly prepared food - Mangos and white nectarines, and Asian flavours have a special place in my heart. 

Being surrounded by gorgeous women that lift each other up, have authentic, real conversations and are open and curious.